Professional Property Management Service
Amstel Property Agency is specialized in the Administrative-, Financial- and Technical Management of rental properties. Under our management we have properties from both private individuals and commercial organizations in Amsterdam, Amstelveen and the surrounding areas. As a property owner it is convenient to be able to hand over the management of your properties to a professional. With Amstel Property Agency you have found the right partner.
• For the management of properties temporarily rented out during your stay abroad;
• For the management of rented properties which are for sale or for the management of properties which are going to be rented out under the Leegstandwet (the law pertaining to unoccupied dwellings);
• Management of property portfolios for investors.
Administrative Management
The services we offer include:
• Monitoring of monthly rental payments and receivable accounts;
• Handling of complaints and issues and following up on these;
• Letting of vacant property units. Searching the market for suitable tenants. A thorough screening is carried out for each potential tenant;
• Drawing up of the lease agreement both in Dutch and in English. If required making applications for housing permits;
• Yearly indexing of the rental prices;
• Mediating in disputes involving the huurcommissie (rent tribunal);
• Initiating debt collection procedures in cases where there are arrears with rental payments;
• Drawing up a report with an overview of the service costs and energy consumption at the end of the year.
Technical Management
The services we offer include:
• Management of servicing contracts and assisting with problems affecting central heating systems;
• Management of plumbing issues;
• Coordination and communication with handymen, plumbers and contractors;
• Management of electrical, gas and water connections. This involves arranging or cancelling subscriptions for energy and water when a property is rented or becomes vacant;
• In cases where properties are rented for a price including an advance payment for energy and water, a calculation is done at the end of the year to determine the costs for the amount of energy and water used by the tenant;
• Organizing and assisting with servicing and maintenance of the property. Such as painting, small repairs and assisting with issues such as problems with electrical installations, wiring and leakages.
For more information, please contact our office.